Batman's Tactics To Be Used By The CIA
Should Batman's tactics be used by the CIA?
While the Central Intelligence Agency is not usually
associated with comic book characters such as Batman,
it might be time for the intelligence organization to
consider some of his methods.
Batman has refined the practice of using his skills to instill
a cloud of fear into the hearts of criminals.
As the sole vigilante protecting Gotham City, he understands the
need for his image to be ingrained in the minds of criminals.
Because there is no realistic possibility of an individual to combat
thousands of criminals, Batman needs to resort to what can be
called a strong dosage of propaganda.
The CIA can benefit from a propaganda campaign based
on instilling fear into the hearts of Al Qaeda members.
Instead of apologizing for the use of quasi torture methods,
the Central Intelligence Agency should use third parties to
disseminate stories into the media regarding the suffering experienced
by terrorists.
Think about the second guessing that would take place by terrorists
that heard horrific stories regarding the CIA treatment of terrorists.
Even an individual who finds glory through death is afraid of living
in pain.
Batman has honed this theory as he pursues criminals.
Batman's adversaries such as the Joker and the Penguin know
that Batman doesn't kill, but are still afraid of the violence he can
inflict on them.
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While the Central Intelligence Agency is not usually
associated with comic book characters such as Batman,
it might be time for the intelligence organization to
consider some of his methods.
Batman has refined the practice of using his skills to instill
a cloud of fear into the hearts of criminals.
As the sole vigilante protecting Gotham City, he understands the
need for his image to be ingrained in the minds of criminals.
Because there is no realistic possibility of an individual to combat
thousands of criminals, Batman needs to resort to what can be
called a strong dosage of propaganda.
The CIA can benefit from a propaganda campaign based
on instilling fear into the hearts of Al Qaeda members.
Instead of apologizing for the use of quasi torture methods,
the Central Intelligence Agency should use third parties to
disseminate stories into the media regarding the suffering experienced
by terrorists.
Think about the second guessing that would take place by terrorists
that heard horrific stories regarding the CIA treatment of terrorists.
Even an individual who finds glory through death is afraid of living
in pain.
Batman has honed this theory as he pursues criminals.
Batman's adversaries such as the Joker and the Penguin know
that Batman doesn't kill, but are still afraid of the violence he can
inflict on them.
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