Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Do Batman Comic Books Face Extinction?

Batman comic books have long been the staple
of die hard Batman fans.

But as the newspaper industry discovered that
it could not retain its former readers, will comic book
publishers also come to the same realization?

From a business point, Batman comic books are
still a viable and profitable source of revenue for
DC Comics, the publisher of Batman comic books.

But from a practical point, it must be becoming increasingly
apparent to the executive suite that its readers are
flocking online.

If Batman comic book readers are already surfing online,
why not offer them their comic book entertainment
online as well?

Revenue can be increased by offering a subscription based
model, where for a monthly or annual fee, a Batman fan could
keep up with the latest issue.

As an incentive, DC Comics could also offer access to past issues
as part of the membership plan.

Instead of making money only on the latest issues, older issues
of Batman comic books could be offered for instant download,
similarly to the Apple iTunes formula.

For .99 a comic, Batman comic book fans could download any issue
in an eBook format.

Think about how much more revenue could be derived through impulse

Revenue from advertising and affiliate relationships could also be increased
by inserting dynamic ads on the online pages of the Batman comic books.

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